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War Remnants (2016)

War Remnants (2016)

War Remnants (2016)

May 2016 21cm x 42cm x 8cm Free Blown Glass - Engraved Colour: Reduced Opal Shwartz

War Remnants (2016)

Based on the idea that all wars are the same and that we as society never learn anything from previous conflict.

War Remnants (2016)

The piece is made of 3 free blown glass bottles from different eras (L-R) WW1 Model 1877 French 2-liter bidon, Modern US Army Canteen, WW2 British Canteen.

War Remnants (2016) - Detail

Used Kugler Opal Schwartz reducing colour to give the glass the metallic finish, as if they were real canteens that had been drawn on.

War Remnants (2016) - Detail

The same image spans across all 3 canteens, to establish that whilst the country and time origin of the vessel is different, all conflicts are the same.

War Remnants (2016) - Detail

The images were free engraved onto the glass using diamond engraving bits.

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